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4 hours ago

1 min read

George Valiapadath Capuchin

I have used this Psalm 104 many times at various occasions. This beautiful poem appreciates the order and beauty of creation and praises the Creator for all that.

"You are clothed with majesty and splendor,

robed in light as with a clock.

You spread out the heavens like a tent, setting the beams of your chambers upon the waters.

You make the clouds your chariot;

traveling on the wings of the wind.

You make the winds your messengers;

flaming fire your ministers"

Reading this Psalm is like watching a science fiction movie.

Especially reading that 'the beams of your chambers you set upon the waters' resonates greatly within.

The sky He has stretched like a wedding tent for us.

In the first year I joined the seminary, we used to sing a repetitive chant in the nights:

"Dear God, I hear your name everywhere..."

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