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In order to understand many parts of the Bible, especially many instances in the New Testament, it is necessary to know what some important key words mean. One of them is "heart".
What does the heart mean in our time in the cultural context in which we live?
Some may think that it is an organ inside our chest. Some may think that it is the seat of love. Some may think that it is the seat of our emotions. Therefore, some may think that the head/intellect is the seat of reason and the heart, which is very different from it, is the seat of emotion, love, and tenderness. Those who understand that the heart is just an organ that pumps blood to circulate it, will think when others speak of heart that they are just using a poetic or romantic metaphor.
In fact, when the Bible speaks of heart, it means none of the above.
In the language of the Bible, the heart means a person's inner personality or essence. It would include one's thoughts, feelings, intentions, actions (words), will, and character. (It is understood as the seat of one's soul).
"It is your heart that must be rent"; "create a pure heart in me"; "What comes out of the heart is what defiles a person"; the Word of God: "It is in your lips and in your heart"; "...If you believe in your heart, you will be saved" - all refer to the complete inner being of a person or in other words one's essence.
There have been many misunderstandings that have been made in history.
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